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marshesA secret world...
Water with not a ripple in sight...
Luxuriant foliage...
The Marshes in Bourges are an incomparable heaven of tranquillity and natural beauty situated at the foot of the old town, just a few hundred meters from the apse of the Cathedral.

With an abundance of vegetables and flowers, the 140 hectares of plots which are so lovingly cultivated by their owners are the image of conviviality and a very popular walk.

A brief history : the marshlands around Bourges were for a long time its means of defence. In the 17th century, the Jesuits purchased a part of them and rented them out to individuals who transformed them into garden plots.

With the Revolution and the sale of state property, more land was cultivated and the "market gardeners" supplied the town with fruit and vegetables for three centuries.
In the mid 20th century, methods of production and distribution changed, resulting in the decline of this activity and finally its disappearance in the 1970s.

Not to be missed : the Marshes Fair at the beginning of September : with boat rides and a chance to discover the fauna and flora.